Win an Arturia MicroFreak

Hey synth geeks,
You are often associated with “freaks,” so you should like this giveaway linked to our upcoming L.A. Synth Expo 2019!
Described as “a peculiar instrument that rewards the curious musician,” the Arturia MicroFreak is a hybrid analog-digital synth built around a unique, expressive touch keyboard, and propelled by 11 oscillators, four Arturia engines, and seven modes designed by Mutable Instruments. Offering various approaches to synthesis like physical modeling, wavetable synthesis and virtual analog, modes like Texturer, KarplusStrong, Harmonic OSC, and Superwave offer new takes on sound design that inspire musicians in search of new palettes of sonic possibilities.
Check out the video below:
All you need to do to get a chance to win this synth it is sign up below by September 30th, 2019 – and wear your lucky pants!
By clicking the “Submit” button, you agree to the Official Rules & Regulations.
See you at the Los Angeles Synth and Pedal Expo in Echo Park!