Jeu concours ! 10 pédales à gagner avec MUTEK Sonic Circuits !

Pour célébrer Sonic Circuits (RSVP ici), le nouveau (et gratuit!) showroom de pédales, synthés et instruments modulaires de MUTEK, nous offrons aux amoureux de pédales à effets pour plus de $2,000 de cadeaux !
Liste des prix à gagner (par ordre alphabétique) :
- Animal Pedals Vintage Van Driving Is Very Fun Overdrive
- Eventide Rose Delay
- Keeley DDR CA (limited Canadian ’80s Edition)
- Keeley Fuzz Bender CA (limited Canadian ’80s Edition)
- Keeley Synth-1 CA (limited Canadian ’80s Edition)
- One Control Marygold Orange Overdrive
- Outlaw Effects Phunnel Cloud Phaser
- Outlaw Effects Dumbleweed D-Style Overdrive
- Red Panda Particle 2
- Voodoo Lab Dingbat Tiny Pedalboard with Pedal Power X4 power supply
Comment participer ?
- Tag DEUX des tes amis montréalais amoureux de pédales à effets en commentant ce post Facebook OU ce post Instagram.
- Renseigne tes informations ci-dessous.
C’est tout ! Faites vos jeux !
To celebrate the upcoming, FREE Montreal Pedal Expo called Sonic Circuits (RSVP here to attend), we put together a nice little pedal giveaway with an aggregate prize worth over $2,000!
Here’s the list of prizes in alphabetical order:
This is what you need to do to participate in this giveaway:
A. Tag TWO pedal lovers you know based in the Montreal area in the comment section of this Facebook post OR this Instagram post.
B. Enter your email address in the form below.
That’s it, and may the unluckiest win!
By clicking the “Submit” button, I agree to the Official Rules & Regulations (with the exception that this giveaway is for Canadians only).