Brooklyn Synth Expo 2019 Vendor Feedback

Visitor feedback about this event can be found here and here.
“The show this year was the best so far. As they always slowly become better and better, I loved this one. The food truck was a nice touch. […] I’d say with something like that it is feeling more like a festival than an expo! I love seeing the same reoccurring faces from past years and saying hello to all the new ones, […] it just seems to be getting more and more traction.” – Enrique, Novation
“[The Brooklyn] Synth Expo is always a blast, thanks for having us back! This was the best one yet. The venue was great, loved the idea of a food truck and presentation stage on site. Synthtopia and 343 Labs were very accommodating and professional as well. It’s good to see the attendance growing substantially year by year, as we get to meet even MORE of the end-users.” – Brian, Arturia/Streetwise Marketing
“Overall impressed with the general experience of the Expo. […] Traffic was overwhelming at times, but constantly packed meant our booth usually had a line. Which is a good thing.” – Nate, Moog Music
“I thought this was a great show to showcase our products and create brand awareness […] we really didn’t have a slow moment.” – Carmelo, Pioneer DJ
“Good turnout for the overall expo. […] Three Wave sold quite a few pieces of gear with the show special. […] TR-8S masterclass went well, about 20 people saw and managed to get traffic from workshop to the Roland table. Made connections with local music producer meetups and some schools who were interested in doing future workshops.” – Peter, Roland
” I was happy with the overall experience and would do it again. I had a good amount of people expressing interest and playing with the gear. Overall the event was great but with minor tweaks I think it could be much better.” – Eli, Mystic Circuits
“Sales were good for us, as we sold the most pedals so far at one of these Synth and Stompbox Expos! We were selling through the Three Wave booth, which allowed us to redirect people who were ready to buy and continue giving demos to others. Traffic was pretty steady throughout, sometimes with several people at our booth for long periods of time.” – Collin, Eventide
“In all honesty, this has been the best show yet. In the larger space and awesome vibe of the location, it just made the event even better. Oh, and we sold out of the stock that we brought with us. ” – Clint, Deep Space Devices
“The attendance was great, well organized, very happy! [… Traffic was] great, there was hardly a minute someone was not at our booth.” – Roger, ILIO/Spectrasonics
“The Brooklyn Expo is a great event for anyone looking for the latest in synths and pedals. So many vendors all under one roof. The possibilities are endless!” Derrick, IK Multimedia
“Very happy [with the experience], VERY intense [traffic]” – Fabio, Vinicius Elektric
“Big improvement over the space from last year, and everything seemed to be logistically smoother. Perhaps expand to an even bigger space next year like the Knockdown Center, because it was still very crowded (which is good, since its a popular event!).” – Nick, Korg
“The team has always emphasized the value of Synth Expo – our Brooklyn event certainly went well and we made some great connections.” – Steevy – ROLI